The Champ’s Corner: Mix It Up

Years ago, I remember having lunch in NY with a colleague from South Africa. After having a starter salad and waiting for our main course, he commented to me that he wondered why US restaurants always serve the salad first and not with your main course. He said he preferred eating his salad alongside his meal, not before it.


This memory came back to me during a recent training session.

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Meissen Cup

Deutschland, what an experience! Far beyond what I expected, given that I didn’t know what to expect upon landing in Germany. For starters, the whole country is seemingly spotless and everything is meticulously well-built. Then there’s the Autobahn—enough said.

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The Champ’s Corner: Lessons from Klokov

It’s difficult to summarize a Dmitry Klokov weightlifting seminar as so much was covered in just two days. We began with an overview of the different philosophies behind the major training systems and then moved into learn-by-doing sessions where everyone received a lot of individual attention and constructive feedback. In a short amount of time, it was obvious why Dmitry is a world champion.

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Trust Your Technique

With the recent release of the latest Star Wars movie, I vividly recall watching the original Star Wars with the climactic scene where Luke Skywalker is the Rebellion’s last hope to destroy the Death Star. When the time came take the critical shot, Luke is advised by Obi-Wan Kenobi to turn off the guidance system and trust the Force when taking the shot. At the time, I could not believe he would turn off the computer. But, of course he did, and later we realize that was the only possible path to success.

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