It’s difficult to summarize a Dmitry Klokov weightlifting seminar as so much was covered in just two days. We began with an overview of the different philosophies behind the major training systems and then moved into learn-by-doing sessions where everyone received a lot of individual attention and constructive feedback. In a short amount of time, it was obvious why Dmitry is a world champion.


He has a deep intensity and drive for perfection, with a thorough understanding of the sport combined with a long range, detailed plan on how to achieve his goals. And as successful as Dmitry has been, he remains focused on the fundamentals as there really are no short cuts. His enthusiasm for the sport is contagious and all attendees learned so much.



Below are my Top 10 Learnings from the seminar:


10. Most everyone must improve their quad strength to be a better weightlifter.

9. The foundation is the most important, but this type of work is boring to most people, so they usually skip over this. People must focus on the basics!

8. The Snatch is a long movement, with more angles while the Clean is a short movement, with less angles – they are two very different lifts. The pull from the start position is the most important; work slow, fight for good angles.

7. Get better at the exercises you don’t like to do by working them more often. Accessory work is key for professional weightlifters.

6. Improve your quad strength. (Did I mention this one already?)

5. Professional lifters spend 70% of their focus on recovery; just 30% on training. So, spend more time and money on recovery including sauna, massage, etc.

4. Create a big list of everything you do wrong; and work on these items one at a time until you do them correctly.

3. Two exercises that everyone should add to their daily training sessions include:

  • Trap High Pull – with bar only, work forward elbow position, regardless of how high the pull.
  • GHD – with stick or bar on back, full grip, contracting the upper back, look up.

2. Weight does not matter but your technique must be perfect. This is critical for muscle memory.

1. Improve your quad strength (I’ve mentioned it 3 times but I cannot say it enough!)


—John Tullo, a.k.a. “The Champ”


For those who missed it, Klokov will be returning to the New York Weightlifting Academy on October 2nd & 3rd. We’ll be releasing more information on how to sign up as the date approaches. Follow us on Instagram at @ny_weightlifting_academy to be informed of future event updates.


John and Dmitry Klokov



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